ВЫ СТУДЕНТ ТулГУ (Тульский Государственный Университет) и ОБУЧАЕТЕСЬ ДИСТАНЦИОННО?
Many common words have a different meaning in legal English. Match each of the words with its legal English meaning.
Выберите один ответ:
a. a section of a legal document (such a contract)
b. a set of written rules, principles or laws
c. a person or people forming one side in an agreement or dispute
d. to present a position, either in writing or orally
e. to work for firms or individuals as their lawyer
f. the price promised as payment for a contract
g. to make a formal decision as a judge
h. proceedings before a judge or decision-making body
ОТВЕТ предоставляется за плату. Цена 10 руб. ВОЙТИ и ОПЛАТИТЬ
- Предмет: Практический курс иностранного языка (английский)_ЮР ТулГУ
- Куплено раз: 123